Using Grant funding to Meet Your Business’s Hiring Needs                      

As COVID continues to disrupt the economy, Canadian businesses are having to delay or even curtail essential hiring. This resource gap, however, is causing delays in project timelines and burdening an already stretched workforce. In the face of limited options, business owners are struggling to hire new employees without affecting their profitability.

Hiring grants, however, can help businesses to address this by providing wage subsidies for new hires. These grants can cover up to 75% of the wages to a maximum of $15,000. The new hire can help assist existing employees, work on quality system upgrades or even undertake new projects. By leveraging this funding, Canadian businesses can continue to function smoothly and grow in this disruptive environment.    

We at Anchorage Consulting work with our clients in accessing these and other grants to actualize their growth potential. Our team has helped dozens of Canadian businesses in accessing millions in grant funding for their hiring, training, commercialization and export needs. For more information on these grants, contact us for a consultation session today.


100% Coverage of Wages for Digital Positions


Canadian Government Response to Covid-19